• System security is first maintained at the log-in level which requires a unique Account Name, followed by a unique Username and an associated unique Password. 
  • TouchPointCare provides the unique Account Name and the initial Username and Password upon Account sign-up. 
    • The Provider then establishes each unique Username and Passwords for each authorized user.
    • Upon the first log-in and use of their assigned Password, each User will be requested to enter and create (update) a new Password. For instance, Provider #1 would sign in. Provider #2 would have to sign in and will be prompted to reset the password by creating a new one.

  1. Login Screen:

  2. On the Menu, Select Company > All Users:

  3. Click on "Add User" on the top left

  4. The New Contact screen will appear. The unique username and associated password need to be assigned to each new contact.